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Quality services depend on quality products.


We are proud to use only the best products available when providing services to our valued customers. We do not offer products for sale, but we do use the following name brands when performing your services. These brands have been selected for their outstanding quality in order to provide you with the consistent results you demand when you visit us.
J Beverly Hills Logo

J Beverly Hills

juan juan established himself in Beverly Hills over 20 years ago. He became a friend and mentor to already established stylists, forming lifetime relationships with many of J Beverly Hills and Hollywood's elites. In the spirit of a specialty servicing business and client requests, juan juan has distilled the essence of the beverly hills lifestyle. naturally-based hair care products that are beautiful, timeless, luxurious elements of pure self-indulgence.

Paul Mitchell Logo

Paul Mitchell

Paul Mitchell is the industry's most trusted brand. Achieve gorgeous, healthy and radiant hair using Paul Mitchell hair care products.

Dermalogica Logo


For years, Dermalogica's formulas have pioneered new standards for product performance. Using only the finest ingredients available, all Dermalogica products are non-comedogenic and contain no occlusive mineral oil or lanolin, no irritating artificial colors or fragrance, and no drying S.D. alcohol or formaldehyde.

All logos appearing on this page are trademarked (™), restricted (®) and/or copyrighted (©), and are the exclusive property of their respective owners. The inclusion of these logos in no way implies any official endorsement by the companies represented.
Featured Item
Balayage and Ombre
Balayage and Ombre gradients give your hair a refined artistic look.

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Featured Item
Signature Facial
Tailored to address concerns like skin congestion, fine lines, and loss of firmness. This treatment includes deep pore cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, and total relaxation, suitable for all skin types.

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11317 W 159th st.Orland ParkIL60467United States
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